This is just a quick post to apologize for the big gap in posts between my last post and this one. We had a baby towards the end of the year, which I knew was coming, and I had a number of posts written and saved up to bridge what I was fully expecting would be a very busy few weeks/months, but then things went even further off the rails than I was expecting them to.
A week and a half after our baby was born, I was fired, and I was forced to spend the next 2 months looking for a new job. Give how recently I had made the switch to development, I put everything but looking for work and learning more programming onto the back burner.
I’d like to say that things have slowed back down and that I’ll be able to return to a more regular schedule of posting, but we’re now one emergency trip and a totalled vehicle later, and life is still a lot more difficult than it was back when I first made the switch to development.
That means that I’m likely to continue to be more irregular with my postings than I would like to be, but at the same time, I’ve been learning a ton, and I want to document my insights (for myself if for nobody else), so I’m going to attempt to resume writing posts as often as I can.
One change that I’m hoping will help increase the throughput of my writing is that I’m going to reduce the editing process that I’d been using previously. That means that it’s very likely that some typos are going to get through, but hopefully my current audience will be understanding of a few mistakes and will focus more on the core ideas of the posts.