Dean’s Portfolio

Weather App:

NodeJS web-app which accepts a location from the user and then calls the mapBox API to convert the location to latitude & longitude-based coordinate.

The coordinate is then used in a REST call to the Dark Sky API so that a weather forecast for the day can be provided to the user. Powered by Heroku.


Chat App:

Real-time chat application that uses a NodeJS backend to send and receive events to the JavaScript front end of 2 or more chat clients at a time. Powered by Heroku.


Task Manager App:

A NodeJS-based API that interfaces with a MongoDB instance to make the application stateful. Powered by Cloud Atlas & Heroku.


Hangman Game:

A JavaScript-based game which gets the words and phrases used in the puzzle via a REST endpoint. Powered by Netlify.


Notes App:

A JavaScript-based note-taking app which uses local storage to save the notes. Powered by Netlify.
