Regression Testing

I recently had a discussion with a delightful individual regarding my current side project.

I mentioned that I was using Jest for my regression testing, and she asked something along the lines of “If this is a side project and nobody is forcing you to write unit tests, then why are you writing unit tests?”

For context, I’m pretty sure that she writes unit tests on everything that she writes regardless of whether or not someone is ‘forcing’ her to write them. You could say that she was testing me. (See what I did there?)

She wanted to know my reason for writing them and see how it matched up with her reasons.

I told her that I’d heard a quote attributed to Robert Martin (Uncle Bob) that went something along the lines of “Anyone who thinks that they can move faster by not writing unit tests is smoking some pretty crazy stuff”.

That’s not an exact reproduction of what I heard, and I haven’t been able to find the original quote, but I think the sentiment is correct.

It can feel like you’re ‘wasting’ time writing unit tests when you could instead be creating something new, but the fact is that automated tests save a ton of time when it comes to debugging things down the road, and if your unit tests help you avoid introducing a bug into production that prevents the loss of hundreds of thousands (or more) of dollars, then you’ve likely just paid for the unit tests many times over.

So, I’m still going to keep on building unit tests even when nobody ‘makes’ me do it.

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